Credit Professionals International

Credit Professionals International supports our members by providing opportunities

               for networkingcareer development and community involvement

75       The First 75 Years - Including President's Pictures

[International conference city & date, followed by the International President elected at the annual meeting, their home city & theme]
Honorary President Edith Shaw Johnson 1936
SPOKANE, WA,  1937 Avadana Cochran, Bremerton, WA

PITTSBURGH, PA, 1938 Marion O. Brooks, Baton Rouge, LA
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 1939 Catherine Bartlett, Cleveland, OH
SAN ANTONIO, TX, 1940 Ethel Dopp, Spokane, WA
NEW YORK, NY,  1941 Lily Person, Minneapolis, MN
NEW ORLEANS, LA,1942 Pauline Shepard, Jacksonville, FL
ST. LOUIS, MO,  1943 Laura Geren, Fort Smith, AR
MILWAUKEE, WI,  1944 Kitty Lofton, Atlanta, GA
ST. LOUIS, MO.  1945 Stephanie Dougherty, San Francisco, CA
CLEVELAND, OH,  1946 Agnes J. Ammarell, Reading, PA
ST. LOUIS, MO,  1947 Eleanor Wilson, Duluth, MN
BANFF, ALBERTA,  1948 Helen Lybold, Butte, MT

BOSTON, MA, 1949 Pat Hughes, Birmingham, AL
CINCINNATI, OH,  1950 Francie Rowe, Washington, DC
CHICAGO, IL,  1951 Lois Huey, Austin, TX
WASHINGTON, DC, 1952 Nelle Stombs, Rock Island, IL
NEW ORLEANS, LA, 1953 Mable Bliss, Portland, OR
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 1954 Marjorie Girton, Des Moines, IA
LOUISVILLE, KY, 1955 Una Pearson, Fort Smith, AR
ST. LOUIS, MO, 1956 Rita Barnes, London, Ontario     Planter
MIAMI BEACH, FL, 1957 Darleen Crocker, Portland, OR
LOS ANGELES, CA, 1958 Mary Morgan, Houston, TX
DALLAS, TX,1959 Helen Spendlove, Salt Lake City, UT
CHICAGO, IL, 1960 Inez McGaughy, Chattanooga, TN         Musical Key
MIAMI BEACH, FL, 1961 Martha B. Gleason, Washington, DC
SPOKANE, WA, 1962 Helen B. Sawyers, Everett, WA
KANSAS CITY, MO, 1963 Dorothe M. Bolte, Joliet, IL
DENVER, CO, 1964 Martha Jones, Pomona, CA
PHILADELPHIA, PA, 1965 Dorothy Alexander, Philadelphia, PA
NEW ORLEANS, LA, 1966 Margie Smith, Cleburne, TX
VANCOUVER, BC, 1967 Lillian McCracken, Vancouver, B.C.
ST. PAUL, MN, 1968 Lucille Phillips, Atlanta, GA
PITTSBURGH, PA,1969 Sybel Plehn, Whittier, CA
ST. LOUIS, MO, 1970 Theda Shadel, Malvern, PA
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 1971 Wanda M. Brown, Mason City, IA
WASHINGTON, DC, 1972 Irma Masker, Loveland, CO     Asending the Peaks of Challenge
ATLANTA, GA, 1973 Helen B. Shirley, Chattanooga, TN                Wheels of Progress
CHICAGO, IL, 1974 Ferris Beia, Chicago, Il
PORTLAND, OR, 1975, Helen Luke, Richland, WA
DALLAS, TX, 1976 E. Maurine Watson, San Jose, CA            Luck is What We Make It
BOSTON, MA,1977 Lydia Rodriguez, San Antonio, TX           Strength Through Education
CHICAGO, IL, 1978 Louise S. Sorenson O'Connor, Salt Lake City, UT  You Shall Bloosom as a Rose
Utah MIAMI, FL  1979 Bonnie Smith, Westlake, LA
SEATTLE, WA, 1980 Ellen Bachelder, Portland, ME              Look to this Day

NASHVILLE, TN, 1981 Mary T. Floyd, Portland, OR               Pearls of Wisdom
AHAHEIM, CA, 1982 Renee Odell Peterson, Concord, CA         Golden Gate to Success
WASHINGTON, DC,1983 Nadine Kennedy, Galesburg, IL           The Wings of Change
PHOENIX, AZ,1984 Beulah Slagle Schofield, Salt Lake City, UT    Soaring to Greater Heights
TORONTO, ONTARIO, 1985 Marilyn Landers, Minneapolis, MN            Follow Your Dreams
ST. LOUIS, MO, 1986 Rose Knox, Oklahoma City, OK               Together We Shall Grow
SEATTLE, WA, 1987 Lorna Collins, Winston-Salem, NC              Fifty Years of Excellence
MAUI, HI,  1988 Hazel Wilson Knopp, Calgary, Alberta             You Make the Difference
SAN ANTONIO, TX, 1989 Venie Whitt, Richmond, VA          Changing Times Lasting Values
QUEBEC CITY, QUEBEC, 1990 Barbara Hinman, Elmira, NY          Opportunity & Committment
SAN DIEGO, CA, 1991 Martha Philip, Chicago Heights, IL           Rising Above the Rest
BOCA RATON, FL, 1992 Mary Nebeker, Brigham City, UT             Join the CPI Team
VANCOUVER, B, 1993 Charlotte Maness, Charlotte, NC             Setting the Sail
LOUISVILLE, KY, 1994 Terry Rowe, Twin Falls, ID    Team, Quality & A Quest for Excellence
ATLANTA, GA, 1995 Ruth Zardezed, Elmira, NY            Framing the Future
NIAGARA FALLS, NY, 1996 Barbara Hall, Galesburg, IL   Success is a Journey, Not A Destination
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 1997 Carol Smith, Casper, WY  Noteworthy Achievements: Past, Present & Future
ST. LOUIS, MO,  1998 Gail Ottinger, Kinston, NC         Aim for the Stars
CHARLOTTE, NC,  1999 Sharon DeShazer, Hutchinson, KS     Life is the Journey Not the Destination
ST. LOUIS, MO, 2000 Mary Lou Addy, Silverdale, WA         The Carousel
SEATTLE, WA, 2001 Nona Ellzey, Jackson, MS   
SANTONIO, TX 2002 Mary Jo Mularz, Davenport, IA          CPI Light of the Future

NORFOLK, VA, 2003 Marlene Wilcox, Anchorage, AK         
ATLANTA, GA 2004 Carol Neal, Atlanta, GA Talk It Up!
ANN ARBOR, MI 2005 Linda Bridgeford, W Central, IL You Make A Difference – The Star of CPI
WICHITA, KA  2006 Joyce Jones, Yakima Valley, WA It’s a Whole New Ball Game
PORTSMOUTH, VA 2007 Barbara Chapin, Jackson, MI Invest in your Future With CPI
ALBUQUERQUE, NM 2008 Esther Brinkley, Triad, NC Destination: Excellence
SILVERDALE, WA 2009 Jean Jervis, Ann Arbor, MI Grow – Educate – Mentor - the GEM’s of CPI”
BENTONVILLE, AR 2010 Billie Plasker, Fairfax, VA Reflections of the Past Visions of the Future
ST LOUIS, MO  2012 Pat Evans, San Antonio, TX
Act Now Commit to Grow Team up Inspire others Opportunities are here Never give up!
SAN ANTONIO, TX  2013 Sue Heusing, MCE Illianna CPI
ALBUQUERQUE, NM  2014 Rhonda McKinney, MPCE/CSM/SAFe, Atlanta, GA The Power of One
ATLANTA, GA  2015 Cindy Westenhofer, MPCE, Indianapolis, IN      Connect*Participate*Inspire
ANN ARBOR,MI 2016 Linda Simbeck,MPCE/CFE San Antonio, TX Members a link to the Past A Bridge to the future
SAN ANTONIO, TX 2017 Cheryl Burleson-Davis, ACE/MPCE Charlotte, NC Making a Difference Through Education
CHARLOTTE, NC 2018 Marylyn Tack Albuquerque, NM CPI: Courage, Perseverance, Integrity
Albuquerque, NM 2019-2020 Connie Hamilton Albuquerque, NM CPI

CPI is now being directed by an executive board. The Executive Director is Barbara Hall

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