Credit Professionals International

Credit Professionals International supports our members by providing opportunities

               for networkingcareer development and community involvement

 Financial Literacy to Enrich Your Life

 Credit Education Month

Sponsored by:

Credit Professionals International &

Credit Education Resources Foundation

Atlanta CPI hosted this event:great pictures from the Financial Literacy Summit on March 23.

Thank you to everyone who was a great event! ‪#‎FinancialSummit‬


FTC's New Identity Theft Website ID TheftPress Release

You can use this poster in you promotion of Credit Education Month!

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau releases tools to help

measure Financial Well Being


 Learn to Budget, Save Money,

What are wants? What are needs?

How to cope financially when thing happen—as they do!

Each year Credit Professionals International and the Credit Education Resources Foundation

sponsor events designed to remind consumers and educators, as well as business and government leaders, of the importance of developing the skills needed to manage their finances efficiently and effectively.

Resources for free imformation:


All Local associations should submit reports to our Education Chairman, Sue Heusing at the end of the month to highlight your groups efforts to share information on financial literacy in your community. 

Last Year:

 Las Madrugadoras CPI particiapated in Credit Education Month!

Indy went on-line with sharing Credit Education!

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